Saturday, August 27, 2011

Training Distractions! YEA!!!

This has been a very interesting last few weeks. We got busy here at home with vacation plans and then went away for a week. Pip’s training has been minimal. I did try to make a point to always work on something with him, even when it was during ball play. But, we did not concentrate for an extended period of time. Yet, he has always retained what we worked on and I could tell that his learning continued to grow. Progress can still be made in small steps – the trick is to incorporate the learning into the everyday events.

So – we get home from vacation to what? Street repaving in front of our house. You know what that means – LOUD Trucks! Lots of BEEPING! House RUMBLING! Pug would just BARK all day (very tiresome) and Genny became my “shadow”. I did notice that when I took everyone out back to play, even with the noises, they calmed down. SO – Perfect time to train. Took Pip to the side yard (where lots of our training happens) and where he can see the street – people and trucks and noise. And we worked.

At first, the attention was split, but quickly he gave me full attention. And we had FUN. Worked: directional go-outs (for freestyle and treibball), platform position work, ball pushing, agility box-work jumps, freestyle moves from beginner to more advanced. We had fun! The louder the noise, the better the attention (and more the cookie!)

I was so please with him. But, I also took him back out when it was quiet. All trucks and people gone, just us and the normal sounds. What was great was the solid attention. Equal attention now with or without the ball. I am sensing progress.

Next step – when I can handle him on leash (he does not pull unless he sees another dog and I am not ready for that pull yet) we go to the park and work there. Then we find another park and work some more. Hmmmm better try and do this soon before the weather turns!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to work with Pippin close to all the noise. We took Sammy our Dashshund puppy to a 4th of July celebration her 1st year and now she doesn't seem to mind the firecrackers as much as the other two dogs who were not subjected to the noise when they were puppies.
